The Studierendenwerk Hamburg
Mourning for Professor Dr Rüdiger Martienß
Mourning for Professor Dr Jobst B. Mielck
Working at Studierendenwerk Hamburg
About us
News overview
Study Financing
Study Financing in special life situations
Semesterticket refund
Jobbing during your studies
Discounts for students (ISIC etc.)
Our Counselling services
Counselling Centre for Social & International Affairs – BeSI
Counselling Centre for Study Financing – BeSt
Counselling for students with child
Counselling Centre accommodation – BeWo
External counselling services
Counselling for students with disabilities
Counselling for international students
International affairs
Students from abroad
Accommodation for international students
Intercultural exchange
International Christmas Guest
Catering and events
Contact and contact persons
Studying in Hamburg
Accommodation for Students and Trainees
Student residences
Application Information
Online application
Tenant portal
Tutors program
Renovations and new buildings
Cafeterias, Cafés, Other
Sustainability and health
Quality assurance
Tasty Mensa
Family Service
Daycare centres and flexible childcare services
Registration for a daycare centre place
Places to live for single, student mothers
Studying with chronic illness
Information and counselling services
Services for students with chronic illness/disability/impairment.
Studying abroad with a disability
Sustainability at the Studierendenwerk
Accommodation for Students and Trainees
Student residences
Hall of residence
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Other interesting topics
Accommodation for Students and Trainees
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg
International affairs
Invitation to the iXNet info event ‘My way - overcoming fear’
From campus to world cultural heritage site – between Hercules and the Brothers Grimm
"Little Anniversary": 5 Years of Hamburg Stipendium
‘New Scholarship holders in the spotlight": Sixth award ceremony for the Hamburg Scholarship
International students wanted for the ‘Europa macht Schule’ programme
Invitation to the nationwide campaign week for the participation of people with disabilities in working life
Other interesting topics
Accommodation for Students and Trainees
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg
International affairs
Invitation to the iXNet info event ‘My way - overcoming fear’
From campus to world cultural heritage site – between Hercules and the Brothers Grimm
"Little Anniversary": 5 Years of Hamburg Stipendium
‘New Scholarship holders in the spotlight": Sixth award ceremony for the Hamburg Scholarship
International students wanted for the ‘Europa macht Schule’ programme
Invitation to the nationwide campaign week for the participation of people with disabilities in working life
We are happy to help you
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This will get you a place to live in one of our residential buildings.
Application Information
You can quickly and easily apply for a room in one of our residences via our online application portal.
Online Application
Via our tenants' portal, all tenants can use our online service to change personal data, submit termination requests or send files and repair notifications to us in a straightforward manner.
Tenants' Portal
We are creating new places to live in Hamburg and refurbishing our existing housing complexes for a modern range of housing at affordable rents
Renovations and New Buildings
With our Welcome Tutor Program, we support international students in their start in Hamburg
Tutoring Program