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We mourn the passing of Professor Dr Jobst B. Mielck
Former Chairman of the Executive Board of Studierendenwerk Hamburg

We mourn the loss of Prof Dr Jobst B. Mielck, Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Hamburg, who passed away on his 86th birthday.

Prof Mielck had been a volunteer for the Studierendenwerk since 1974. His work began as Senate Representative for Residence Matters and so Prof Mielck became a member of the Board of the Studierendenwerk Hamburg by virtue of his office. In 1975, he became protector of the Unnastraße residential complex and was subsequently elected Chairman of the Housing Advisory Board. In February 1975, he was elected by the Administrative Board as a member of the Studierendenwerk Executive Board. From 1988 to 2000, Prof. Mielck was Deputy Chairman of the Board, then Chairman from September 2000. Prof. Mielck retired from the Executive Board on 26 October 2005 after 30 years of commendable voluntary work and was presented with his retirement certificate by the State Councillor of the Ministry of Science and Health, Dr Roland Salchow, the Chairman of the previous Administrative Board and University President, Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lüthje, the Managing Director of the Student Union and the President of the University, Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lüthje. Jürgen Lüthje, the Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk, Dr Ulrike Pfannes, and many guests of honour. The University President awarded Prof. em. Dr Jobst B. Mielck the Silver Medal of the University of Hamburg for his many years of service.

Until his death, Prof Mielck was closely associated with the Studierendenwerk Hamburg as a member of the Friends' Association.

Those who knew Prof Mielck will remember him as a very approachable, polite, appreciative and extremely friendly person.

Our sincere sympathy goes out to his family and friends!