
In direct proximity to the Berliner Tor

The Gustav-Radbruch-Haus residential complex is very centrally located near the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences at Berliner Tor and about 5 minutes from the subway and S-Bahn station.

There are a total of 516 places in residential groups for 2 to 8 people. The rooms are 10 - 15 m² (single rooms for short-term rent 8 m²) and furnished. Some 2-person apartments are rented primarily to married couples and single parents with a child.

Depending on the size, the apartments have one or two wet rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. All rooms have internet, telephone and cable TV connection. Parking spaces for cars and motorcycles in the underground garage or outside can be rented through the property management. Bicycle parking spaces are also available as well as coin-operated washing machines.

The house has a tea room and a bar, which are run by the residents themselves. In addition, a hall is available for various internal activities. The student self-administration offers various work groups, e.g. salsa dance class, impro theater, self-defense, work-out, wood and bicycle workshop. A music practice room with piano, a fitness room and a study room can also be used.

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Borgfelder Straße 16 20537  Hamburg

General offer

Fitness / Sport
Leisure / Sport opportunities
Bar / Common room
Music room
Learning space
Save bicycle parking space
Car parking space for rent

Interior views per video

This video shows what it's like to live in the Gustav Radbruch House.


The monthly rent is between € 305 and € 395 incl. flat-rate ancillary costs. The rent for the fixed tenant rooms in the high-rise building is € 330 including flat-rate ancillary costs. These include, among other things, heating, water, electricity and the cost of Internet access and cable TV connection.

Normal room, approx. € 305 -  € 395


On foot directly to HAW Berliner Tor or a few meters further and first enjoy the view of the Binnenalters? You'll be spoilt for choice if you live in our Gustav-Radbruch-Haus housing complex. And if that's not enough: St. Georg with the "Lange Reihe", the Hafencity or the Mönckebergstraße are only a few minutes away from your home.

HAW (Berliner Tor)
2 min. by bike
5 min. by foot

Uni HH (Dammtor)
15 min. by bike
20 min. with HVV

10 min. by bike
14 min. with HVV


9 min. by bike
9 min. with HVV

18 min. by bike

Central station
15 min. by bike
9 min. with HVV

Savings bank
7 min. by bike

5 min. by foot

9 min. by foot

7 min. by bike

13 min. by bike

20 min. by bike

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We are happy to help you

Julian Erler
House Manager

+49 / 40 / 41902-7-810-0

Office hours
Mon – Thu 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Fri 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Thorben Klindworth
House Manager

+49 / 40 / 41902-7-810-0

Office hours
Mon – Thu 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Fri 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Stefan Scholz
House Manager

+49 / 40 / 41902-7-810-0

Office hours
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. –3 p.m.
Fri 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Jessica Pehlke
Housing Clerk
+49 / 40 / 41 902 - 267

Grindelallee 9
20146 Hamburg

Lukas K.
Tutor Gustav-Radbruch-Haus


Country of origin:

Study programme

Nikita B.
Tutor Gustav-Radbruch-Haus


Country of origin:

Study programme:
Computer science