We orientate international students in the higher education area and advise them on the legal framework for residence, financing their studies, getting a job as well as on social and cultural offers. We offer guidance on the responsibilities of contact points and authorities in Hamburg as well as practical help in dealing with applications and forms.
The explanatory video of the Service Agency for Intercultural Competence of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk explains requirements and possibilities for financing studies, explains legal restrictions in the area of jobbing for international students and gives practical tips for planning studies in Germany. The brochure "Visas, residence and work permits before, during and after your studies” from the Ministry of the Interior and Sports also provides important content on these topics.
For international students, jobbing is often an essential part of study financing, where there are a few things to mind.
You can find important information about student jobbing, including information about regulations for international students, here.
The study start-up grant is intended to make it easier for you to start your academic career. Initial purchases such as a laptop, learning materials or a possible rent deposit for your apartment should be financially absorbed.
The study start-up grant is paid out as a one-off lump sum of € 1,000. Your current income or assets do not play a role here. It does not have to be repaid, can be applied for whether or not you receive BAföG at a later date and is not offset against BAföG.You are eligible to apply if you are
The study start-up grant can only be applied for via BAföGdigital (bafoeg-digital.de) at the earliest one month before and at the latest one month after the start of your studies. So if your semester starts in october of a given year, you can submit your application in september at the earliest, but no later than november of the same year.
You can find more information on the BMBF website (unfortunately only available in German). You can get help with the application via the free BAföGdigital service hotline: Mon - Thu from 8 am - 6 pm, Fri from 8 am - 4:30 pm on 0800 - 2236341.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the Counselling Centre for study financing – BeSt.
If necessary, seek additional advice from the Counselling Centre for Social & International Affairs - BeSI on the topic of student financing in special life situations.
If they meet the legal prerequisites, students with foreign nationality are entitled to aid according to the German law on higher education grants (BAföG).
Germans as defined by Art. 116 GG benefit from the BAföG grant and students from migrant backgrounds may also be entitled to it. On the other hand, international students holding a visa/residence permit for studying generally cannot receive any BAföG benefits. The requirements for nationality are stated in §8 BAföG. Please have a look at our information sheet, to see if you meet the prerequisites.The monthly payment depends on the student´s individual requirements.
Those who are not entitled to BAföG may be able to receive an exam scholarship for international students from state funds for the completion of their studies.
If you have questions about BAföG, please contact our Counselling Centre for study financing – BeSt.
International students who are not entitled to BAföG can receive support for the completion of their studies from state funds. However, there is no legal entitlement to this funding.
You must complete your studies no later than twelve months after submitting your application and be able to demonstrate a level of performance that corresponds to the current semester. In addition, you must be needy, i.e. you must not receive any allowance from your parents or be financially secure in some other way.
Note for students of the HAW
Please contact the Student Administration Office at HAW for the overview of course achievements this semester. You can request the overview there by e-mail.
Students of these state universities in Hamburg are eligible to apply for the program:
Contact for students of HAW, TUHH, HfbK, HfMT and HCU:
For students of these universities Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (BAföG-Amt) – Examensförderung für ausländische Studierende is responsible. The application forms are also available here.
New application deadlines for exam funding from 2024
Due to the conversion of the funding periods to a half-yearly cycle from 2025, an adjustment of the funding periods in 2024 is necessary. This affects students at HAW, TUHH, HfbK, HfMT and HCU.
Application period: 15.05.2025 - 30.06.2025
Funding period: 01.07.2025 - 31.12.2025
Application period: 15.11.2025 - 31.12.2025
Funding period: 01.01.2026 - 30.06.2026
Contact for students of the Universität Hamburg
www.uni-hamburg.de/examensstipendien, Abteilung Internationales der Universität Hamburg, Mittelweg 177, 20148 Hamburg, 040 / 42 838 - 3311
You can find the application deadlines for students at the University of Hamburg on the University of Hamburg website.
Unfortunately, very few students in Germany are supported with a scholarship. There is no central office where you can apply for a scholarship or which forwards an application to the funding institutions. You must actively look for establishments awarding scholarships yourself and apply to them individually.
The International Office at your intended university provides counselling and support for new international students. The office details can be found on the university website..
The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) is responsible for funding incoming students with foreign citizenship. Since you have to apply for a DAAD scholarship about one and a half years before you start your studies, you should check the DAAD's funding database in good time.
We have compiled lists of scholarship opportunities, search engines and databases for the different groups of students from abroad. An overview of scholarships for which students from abroad can apply can be found here | Download (PDF). Students with migration and refugee backgrounds can find a corresponding list here | Download (PDF).
You can also find more information on the related scholarship pages.
If you are in the final phase of your studies, use our list of scholarships for the final phase of studies (only available in German). Some of these scholarships are also open to students from abroad who are studying at a German university.
If you are doing a doctorate or planning to do so, you can find funding opportunities and information here.
If you have questions about scholarships, please contact our Counselling Centre for study financing – BeSt.
Our Counselling Centre for study financing – BeSt will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice on the topic of student loans. Simply make an appointment and we will advise you by phone, video or in person, depending on your preference.
A student loan can close a financing gap if necessary, but is the most expensive form of student financing. We therefore recommend that students obtain comprehensive information about the conditions of the respective offer before concluding a contract. Students from abroad can only obtain a student loan under certain conditions. Further information on the KfW student loan and the education loan can be found here Student loans: STW Hamburg (stwhh.de) or directly on the providers' websites KfW-Studienkredit and Bildungskredit.
International students can apply for funding from an education fund under certain conditions. Please enquire with the respective provider to find out whether funding is possible for your studies.
You can find more information here: Student loans: STW Hamburg (stwhh.de) or Lendorse or Brain Capital.
The Brain Capital programme is aimed at students who are EU citizens or have a permanent work and residence permit within the EU and a basic knowledge of German. Applicants from the UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand can also receive funding in individual cases.
The provider Lendorse is aimed at students from non-EU countries, especially from developing and emerging countries, who are aiming for a Master's degree in a STEM subject in Germany.
The website of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) provides comprehensive answers to many questions about student loans, graduation loans and education funds. The student loan test presents student loan and education fund offers based on various criteria and evaluates them from a student perspective. This series of tests can provide an initial orientation, but in no way replaces personal counselling.
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg has a loan fund called “Darlehenskasse”. Students in the graduation phase or, for example, with short-term unforeseen study expenses can be supported with a loan. In principle, a guarantor is required for this.
If you have questions about the loan fund, please contact our Counselling Centre for study financing – BeSt.
Support to help you plan and complete your studies can be found in the document:
Info Visa | Download (PDF) and in Hamburg Welcome Center and Clearing Office from the city of Hamburg. Various events (not only for students) are also offered in English here.
Here you will find an overview of when what is due for study preparation.
Checklist for prospective students and study preparation | Download (PDF)
Here you will find a compilation of scholarship opportunities for students from abroad:
Scholarships for international students | Download (PDF)
The Deutsches Studierendenwerk answers the question "What are the social legal rights of students with disabilities and chronic diseases from third countries?"
International students with chronic illnesses/disabilities. | Download (PDF)
Summary information to help you plan and complete your studies can be found in this document:
Info sheet EU/EEA/Switzerland | Download (PDF)
Here you will find an overview of when what is due for study preparation.
Checklist for prospective students and study preparation | Download (PDF)
Here you will find a compilation of scholarship opportunities for internationale students:
Scholarships for international students | Download (PDF)
The Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) answers the question "What are the social legal rights of students with disabilities and chronic diseases from EU, EEA states and Switzerland?"
EU-students with disabilities | Download (PDF)
Here you can find summary information for students with a migration background or refugees
Information for students with a refugee background| Download (PDF)
Here you will find an overview of when what is due for study preparation.
Checklist for prospective students and study preparation | Download (PDF)
Here you can find an overview of specific scholarships for students with migration and refugee background.
Scholarships for students with migration and refugee backgrounds | Download (PDF)
Refugees with disabilities and their families find information in several languages here.
Here you can find further links for students and prospective students from Ukraine | Download (PDF)
Here you can find further links for students and prospective students from Ukraine | Download (PDF)
Here students from Ukraine can find information about BAföG for students.
Here you will find an overview of when what is due for study preparation.
Checklist for prospective students and study preparation | Download (PDF)
Here you can find an overview of specific scholarships for students with migration and refugee background.
Scholarships for students with migration and refugee backgrounds | Download (PDF)
Detailed information can be found on the website of the Deutsches Studentenwerk and the Deutschen Akademischen Austausch Dienst (DAAD). The International Offices provide information and advice to international students on social issues as well as on study-related measures and provide orientation on the offers at the university. The international departments of the student councils, the Hamburg Welcome Center and the Migration Advisory Service also provide assistance.
International Offices
The International Offices provide information and advice to international students on social issues as well as on study-related measures and provide orientation on the offers at the university. The international councils of the ASten, the Hamburg Welcome Center and the Migration Advisory Service also provide assistance.
International councils of the General Student Committees (Allgemeine Studierendenausschüsse/AStA)
Hamburg Welcome Center and Migration Counselling in Hamburg