Balancing your studies and your family can be quite a challenge. We advise you on all aspects - from economic and organisational questions to daycare places and support in crisis situations.
We will advise you in a confidential setting, either in person at the advice centre, by phone, video call or email. Counselling is free of charge and can be anonymous if you wish. We are bound to confidentiality.
You can find contact information and availability times on the right.
Take advantage of our open consultation hours or make an appointment by e-mail or telephone appointment.
BAföG contains a number of special regulations for pregnant students, which are summarized in the Infoblatt zur Förderung nach dem BAföG in den Fällen von Schwangerschaft und Kindererziehung. Please note that BAföG cannot usually be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b of the Residence Act. You can get advice from the BAföG office responsible for your place of study.
After the twelfth week of pregnancy, pregnant women in need are entitled to additional needs (according to § 21 para. 2 SGB II). This is intended to cover additional costs for additional nutrition, personal hygiene, additional fare, minor changes in clothing. Not included are costs for pregnancy clothing, these must be applied for separately (see next point). A person is considered to be in need if his or her income falls below or slightly exceeds the SGB II requirement (standard rate plus appropriate warm rent). The amount of the additional need depends on income and is € 95,71 for single pregnant women or € 86,02 for pregnant women with a partner. See instructions on § 27 SGB II.
Applications must be submitted to the job center responsible for the place of residence. As a rule, this benefit cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act!
You can get advice at the Family service – Counselling for students with child
Pregnant women (including those in training or studying) can apply for benefits in accordance with Section 24 (3) SGB II for maternity clothing, hospital and breastfeeding supplies, initial baby equipment including furniture (e.g. changing unit, crib) and, if applicable, household appliances that are necessary due to the children (e.g. washing machine). The prerequisite is that the income is below or only slightly above the "Bürgergeld" (citizen's income). As a rule, these benefits cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act! Applications must be submitted to the job center responsible for the place of residence. You can get advice at the Family service.
The funds of the Federal Foundation "Mutter und Kind" are used to provide unbureaucratic assistance to pregnant women in emergency situations and to make it easier for them to continue their pregnancy. In particular, the foundation can provide financial assistance for the child's initial equipment, maternity clothing, moving costs to the first apartment of one's own, and certain midwifery services. The amount and duration of support depend on the particular circumstances of the personal emergency. The money is not offset against other benefits (e.g. under the Second Social Security Code) and international students with a residence permit for the purpose of studying in accordance with Section 16 of the Residence Act can also claim it without any consequences under immigration law. Counseling and applications can be made at various institutions: In Hamburg at the Diakonisches Werk as well the Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Hamburg e.V. Pregnant women who live in another federal state can find the counseling center responsible for them on the website of the Federal Foundation.
Maternal benefit is a wage replacement benefit. It is granted during the protection periods, i.e. six weeks before and eight (twelve in the case of premature or multiple births) weeks after childbirth. Maternity benefit is paid by the statutory health insurance funds up to €13 per calendar day upon presentation of a medical certificate or by the Federal Insurance Office (one-time maximum €210). It is paid net and is exempt from tax and social security contributions. If the maternity allowance, which is limited in amount, is not sufficient to compensate for wages, the employer pays an additional allowance. Detailed information is available on the family portal. You can get advice on this at the Family service – Counselling for students with child.
The mother of an illegitimate child is entitled to maintenance from the father of the child. The so-called care maintenance refers to six weeks before and eight weeks after the birth. If no gainful employment can be pursued due to the care and upbringing of a child, the duration can extend to four months before the birth to three years after the birth of the child. The three years after birth may also apply to the father of the child in the opposite case.
When calculating maintenance, other maintenance obligations (e.g. other minor children, etc.) may have priority. In addition, a deductible applies, so that, depending on income, no maintenance may have to be paid or may be claimed from the mother's/father's point of view. The departments for assistance of the youth welfare offices, the public legal information and settlement office Hamburg (ÖRA) as well as lawyers and notaries advise on maintenance claims for mother and child.
"Elterngeld" (parental benefit) is a wage replacement benefit to which all parents (including students) who are resident or ordinarily resident in Germany are entitled. The prerequisite is that they live in a household with their child and care for and raise it themselves, and that they are not in gainful employment (up to 32 hours per week). The number of hours per week spent on education is irrelevant.
In the case of gainful employment (e.g. mini-job) can also be applied for and claimed by students with a residence permit according to §16b Residence Act!
Detailed information is available in the Family Guide and the brochure „Elterngeld und Elternzeit - Das Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz.(Parental allowance and parental leave - The Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act). Advice and applications can be made at the parental allowance office responsible for your place of residence. You can find the parental allowance offices in Hamburg here. You can also get advice at the Family service – Counselling for students with child.
"BAföG" contains a number of special regulations for student parents, which are summarized here.
As a rule, BAföG cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act!
You can get advice at the BAföG office responsible for your place of study.
Housing benefit according to the Housing Allowance Act (WoGG) is paid as a rent subsidy for owner-occupied housing (in the case of house/flat owners as an encumbrance subsidy). You can find more detailed information on this in the section Study Financing in Special Circumstances of our website.
Parents or single parents whose own income is sufficient for their personal needs, but not for the entire needs of the family, can receive a child supplement. It serves to avoid a need for assistance in the sense of the Second Social Code. Benefits according to SGB II and the “Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement) are therefore mutually exclusive. The maximum “Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement) is € 297 per month for each minor child living in the same household.
In order to receive a “Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement), the parents' income and assets must not exceed a maximum limit and must simultaneously reach a minimum limit. The minimum limit of gross income is € 600 for single parents and € 900 for parent couples. “Wohngeld” (housing benefit) and “Kindergeld” (child benefit) are not counted as income. The asset allowances are based on the regulations of “Bürgergeld” (citizen’s income) The maximum income limit is made up of the parental need as defined by “Bürgergeld” (citizen’s income) and the share of the parents' reasonable housing costs as well as the total child supplement. If the income exceeds or falls below these limits, there is no entitlement to child supplement.
The child's income (e.g. alimony, half-orphan's pension) is taken into account when calculating the “Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement). It is deducted from the highest possible child supplement amount. If the child's income exceeds € 250, no “Kinderzuschlag”(child supplement) will be granted, regardless of the parents' income calculation.
"Kinderzuschlag" (child supplement) cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act
You can find detailed information about the "Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement) here. Advice and applications can be made at the family benefits office of the Federal Employment Agency responsible for your place of residence. You can also get advice at the Family service - Counselling for students with family
Students who are pursuing an education that is eligible for "BAföG" are generally excluded from receiving "Bürgergeld” (citizen’s income). The exclusion of benefits applies regardless of whether students actually receive BAföG. If the BAföG-eligible education is interrupted, e.g. due to a leave of absence or part-time studies, a claim to "Bürgergeld”(citizen’s income) is possible, provided that students can prove that they are in need and comply with the obligation to cooperate (efforts to integrate on the labor market). The latter does not apply if a child under the age of three is being cared for.
Bürgergeld”(citizen’s income) consists of benefits to ensure subsistence (the so-called standard rate of a maximum of € 563 for single people or € 506 for people living in a partnership), the costs of accommodation and heating (i.e. the proportionate warm rent excluding electricity) as well as the assumption of contributions to health and long-term care insurance and, if necessary, additional needs (e.g. additional needs for expectant mothers, additional needs for single parents).
"Bürgergeld”(citizen’s income) is a subordinate benefit. This means that it only comes into play if the necessary needs cannot be covered by self-help, by dependants or by other social benefits that have to be applied for with priority (e.g. "Wohngeld", "Kinderzuschlag"). Pregnant and single-parent students, on the other hand, may not be referred to maintenance claims against their parents.
In cases of special hardship, students can apply for "Bürgergeld”(citizen’s income) in the form of a loan. A special hardship exists, for example, if the completion of studies is foreseeable, the financing was previously secured and has lapsed through no fault of their own. This can be the case, for example, with single-parent students and students with illnesses or disabilities who are unable to work, etc.
These benefits cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16 Residence Act!
The application must be submitted to the job center responsible for the place of residence. Advice is available at the Family service.
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has put together the following Info Tool for families with lots of information.
Needy single parents can claim an additional need in the amount of € 202,68 if they live with one child under seven years of age or with two or three children under 16 years of age (or in the amount of € 67,56 with one child over seven years of age) and are solely responsible for their care and upbringing (Section 21 (3) SGB II). A person is considered to be in need if his or her income falls below or slightly exceeds the SGB II requirement (standard rate plus appropriate warm rent).
As a rule, the additional requirement cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act!
The application must be submitted to the job center responsible for the place of residence. You can get advice at the Family service - Counselling for students with child.
Single parents and pregnant students who are enrolled at the University of Hamburg and the HAW can apply for financial support from Madame Courage in their final year of study. The amount and duration of the support is determined individually in each case. Scholarship holders can be supported for up to two semesters up to the maximum amount of BAföG.
Every two years, the Studierendenwerk awards book grants of up to 500 euros from Georg Panzram's legacy. Students can then apply,
If you have any questions about the Georg Panzram book allowance, please contact our Counselling Centre Study Finance - BeSt.
Parents are entitled to "Kindergeld" (child benefit) € 255 per child if they have their residence or habitual abode in Germany. It is independent of the parents' income. Only one person can receive child benefit for one and the same child. Child benefit is regulated by law in the Income Tax Act (EStG) and the Federal Child Benefit Act (BKGG).
In the case of gainful employment (e.g. mini-job) can also be applied for and claimed by students with a residence permit according to §16b Residence Act!
Detailed information on "Kindergeld" (child benefits) can be found in the Leaflet Child Benefit published by the Federal Central Tax Office. Advice and applications can be made at the family benefits office of the Federal Employment Agency responsible for your place of residence. You can also get advice at the Family service - Counselling for students with child.
Mothers and fathers have a duty to support their children. In the case of separated parents, the parent with whom the child resides usually fulfills the maintenance obligation by caring for and raising the child, known as maintenance in kind. The other parent is obliged to pay cash maintenance. It is the duty of the custodial parent to clarify the child's maintenance claims. A voluntary maintenance obligation can be notarized at the youth welfare office free of charge or at a notary for a fee. It may also be necessary to clarify the amount of the maintenance claim in court, so that in the event of a conflict, e.g. if the maintenance is not paid, it can also be seized.
The amount of maintenance is based on the income of the parent liable for maintenance. There are certain allowances/income limits for this.
The Düsseldorfer Tabelle provides guidance. The department for assistance of the youth welfare offices, the public legal information and settlement office Hamburg (ÖRA) as well as lawyers and notaries advise on maintenance claims for mother and child.
Single parents can receive an advance on maintenance payments from the Youth Welfare Office if the parent liable for maintenance does not pay sufficient maintenance for the child. According to the Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz (UhVorschG), a child receives an advance on maintenance payments if he or she is domiciled or habitually resident in Germany and lives in a household with the single parent and does not receive at least the statutory minimum maintenance from the other parent.
The benefits under the “Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz” amount to € 227 per month for children up to five years of age and € 299 for children from six to eleven years of age. Children aged twelve to seventeen can receive € 394 per month if the child is not dependent on SGB II benefits or if the single parent in receipt of SGB II benefits has a gross income of at least € 600. The "Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz" maintenance advance is paid monthly in advance and ends at the latest when the child reaches the age of eighteen (18th birthday).
In the case of gainful employment (e.g. mini-job) can also be applied for and claimed by students with a residence permit according to §16b Residence Act!
The brochure published by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides detailed information on advance maintenance payments. Advice and applications can be made at the youth welfare office responsible for your place of residence. Those registered in Hamburg can find their youth welfare office here, all others here. You can also get advice at the Family service - Counselling for students with child..
Needy students, even if they receive BAföG payments themselves, can apply for social benefits for their child according to the Second Social Security Code. The prerequisite is that the child's income (maintenance, child benefit, etc.) does not exceed the need under basic social security law (standard benefit plus appropriate pro-rata warm rent). Eligibility for benefits is excluded if the child's needs can be covered by priority benefits (housing benefit, child supplement).
As a rule, social benefits cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act!
The application must be submitted to the job center responsible for the place of residence. Those registered in Hamburg can find their job center here, all others here. Advice is available at the Family service - Counselling for students with child.
Children and young people from families who receive “Bürgergeld” (citizen’s income), “Wohngeld” (housing benefit), “Kinderzuschlag” (child supplement), “Asylberwerberleistungsgesetz” (benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act) can receive benefits for education and participation in social and cultural life. In addition to an annual €100 for school materials and the assumption of costs for school trips, this also includes subsidies for lunch in daycare centers and schools, for learning support and for social and cultural activities (membership in sports clubs, music lessons, etc.).
As a rule, these benefits cannot be claimed by students with a residence permit according to § 16b Residence Act!
Detailed information can be found on the Hamburg education package website. You can apply for the package at the relevant offices. You can get advice on this at the Family service - Counselling for students with child.
Children residing in Hamburg
In order to relieve the costs of childcare in a daycare center or by a childminder, parents residing in Hamburg can apply for a daycare center voucher or a daycare permit, which covers a large part of the costs. The amount of the parents' own contribution depends on the care offered, the duration of care, the family size and the family income. The amount of care depends on the number of hours worked in the course of employment or studies. In the case of full-time studies including commuting times, an eight-hour place is generally approved. You can find detailed information about childcare in Hamburg here.
Children residing in another federal state
Children residing outside of Hamburg can be cared for in Hamburg's daycare centers if the city or municipality in which they are registered declares that it will assume the costs. There is no legal entitlement for this cost assumption. It often depends on whether or not the childcare needs can also be met locally. Advice and applications can be obtained from the office responsible for day care for children or from the day care office in the place of residence.
You can get advice on this at the Family service - Counselling for students with child.
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg supports students with children with the free children's plate in the cafeterias. Children of enrolled students at the universities served by the Studierendenwerk receive one free meal each in all of Hamburg's Studierendenwerk dining halls and in the cafés where a hot meal is offered up to the age of 12 upon presentation of their Youngster Card. This offer applies to all hot meals and is served on a special children's plate. The Youngster Card and the student ID must be shown at the issue desk and at the cash desks. Students can apply for the YoungsterCard for their children in each cafeteria directly from the respective management. A temporary certificate will be given directly when you fill out the application. Or send the application by mail to the Gastronomy Department of the Studierendenwerk Hamburg. The certificate will also be mailed to you.
+49 / 40 / 419 02 - 183
(Outside office hours, in case of absence and when the line is busy, an answering machine is switched on!)
Office hours by phone
Mo 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Personal consulting hours (without appointment)
Mo 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Tue 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thu 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Grindelallee 9
(3. floor)
20146 Hamburg
(near Dammtor station)
The mailbox in Grindelallee is accessible throughout.
Postal address
Studierendenwerk Hamburg
Postfach 13 01 13
20101 Hamburg