For the ninth time, the Deutsches Studierendenwerk, in cooperation with its French partner the "Centre des Oeuvres universitaires et scolaires" (Cnous), the umbrella organisation of the French Studierendenwerk, invites you to take part in the German-French Photo Competition.
All students of legal age who are enrolled at a German or French university can take part in the competition, regardless of their origin or nationality.
This year's theme is MY SPACE and offers endless possibilities for interpretation: your living space, thinking space, cultural space, free space, play space, living space, comfort space... Let your creativity run wild!
The aim of the photo competition is to promote the artistic and international activities of students, to strengthen Franco-German friendship and to support the international and cultural activities of the Crous and the student unions.
The following prizes will be awarded among all participants:
1st first prize: 1000,- Euro
2nd second prize: 750 euros
3rd Franco-German Friendship Prize (€500) for particularly successful commitment to Franco-German friendship
You can take part until 12 May 2024 directly via the project website There you will also find the detailed conditions of participation.