Here you will find important facts, figures and background information about the Studierendenwerk Hamburg. Read the latest information about the services of the Studierendenwerk, interesting study results about studying in Hamburg and much more.
Brochure "Building and Renovating" - Building Projects of the Studierendenwerk.
This brochure provides an overview of the Studierendenwerk's new construction projects since 2012, as well as renovation and modernization measures. A total of around 125 million euros has been invested in the various construction projects.
Analysis "Students in the Hamburg housing market - facts and trends" (2017)
Further interesting studies on this topic
An overview of the inauguration of the Helmut-Schmidt-Studienhaus residential complex, 07.11.2018.
What is the student union? - Pointer asks
Press comments inauguration Helmut-Schmidt-Studentenhaus
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg in the Hamburger Abendblatt - Hamburg Scholarship, 29.09.2018.
The Studierendenwerk Hamburg in the Hamburger Abendblatt, April 25, 2014
Dorm Meeting May 2018
DSW Human Resources Conference
Studierendenwerk Hamburg - more than competence for student housing. Company presentation
Infrastructure for successful studying, Studierendenwerke as a location factor Students without opportunities? Opportunities without borders - about the social background of students
Panel discussion of the ASten of the University of Hamburg, TUHH and HAW Hamburg and the initiative from 29.5.2013: Positions of the Studierendenwerk Hamburg
"Yes to diversity! Strategies and service concepts: The view of the Studierendenwerke" (2013).
"Student Services: Infrastructure for successful studying" (2011)
"Social infrastructure and private universities; student services as a location factor" (2011)
"University profiling and student services; The cooperation with the Studierendenwerk Hamburg from the perspective of a private university" (2011, presentation by B. Landgrebe, Bucerius Law School)
DSW Student Seminar: Internationalization and Interculturality in the Studierendenwerk Hamburg